Charles Hillman 617.373.8342 Expertise benefits of physical activity, health behaviors, lifestyle choices Charles Hillman in the Press Today A teacher’s hack for getting kids excited for math went viral. Experts explain why it works Charles Hillman, PhD, a professor of psychology at Northeastern University with expertise in neurocognitive kinesiology, agrees: “I think the idea that they get kids moving in the middle of the class day, there’s no way it’s not beneficial.” Charles Hillman for Northeastern Global News How many steps should you be taking a day? ‘There’s certainly nothing special about 10,000,’ a longevity expert says How many steps should you be taking a day? ‘There’s certainly nothing special about 10,000,’ a longevity expert says There’s evidence that 7000-8000 steps might have health benefits for some, but there is no magic number of steps to take each day.
Today A teacher’s hack for getting kids excited for math went viral. Experts explain why it works Charles Hillman, PhD, a professor of psychology at Northeastern University with expertise in neurocognitive kinesiology, agrees: “I think the idea that they get kids moving in the middle of the class day, there’s no way it’s not beneficial.”