*Published on February 18
Dear Northeastern University community,
On Wednesday, Massachusetts announced that individuals over age 65 and those with two or more qualifying medical conditions will be eligible for COVID-19 vaccination, beginning today, February 18.
As we enter this phase of the Massachusetts vaccination plan, we have an important update for the community. Because Massachusetts has changed the list of medical conditions that make someone eligible for Phase Two vaccination, community members will need to resubmit Northeastern’s Phase Two Attestation Form to update attestation of their eligibility.
Due to the significant changes to the state’s criteria, we cannot rely on previous submissions of the form to determine eligibility. Please submit the form if you live, work or study in Massachusetts and would like the option to receive the vaccine from Northeastern.
Northeastern relies on the state of Massachusetts to provide vaccine doses, and we’re unable to predict how many doses we will receive and when. We encourage all eligible members of the Northeastern community to get the COVID-19 vaccine at the earliest opportunity, whether through Northeastern or another site. Please check vaxfinder.mass.gov to explore all of the available options. If you have additional questions, please email NUCOVID19Qs@northeastern.edu or call 617.373.7333.
Ken Henderson Chancellor and Senior Vice President for Learning
David Madigan Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs