Tweets of the Week: Jan. 18 to Jan. 22 by Joe O'Connell January 22, 2016 Share Facebook LinkedIn Twitter The first snow of winter, Northeastern’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. convocation, and #iheartcoop are among our selections for tweets from the Northeastern community this week. @Northeastern mentor teaching a student programming skills! #omgrobots #WeAreNE — Nutrons (@nutrons) January 18, 2016 @Northeastern "Dr. King's message was about empowerment…we all have a luminous spark." – Pres. Aoun — Northeastern SJRC (@SJRCneu) January 19, 2016 Connecting young people with city leaders – a look at alumnus @esanthouse’s work with Boston’s @ONEin3 @BetaBoston — President Aoun (@PresidentAoun) January 21, 2016 @nickducoff sees students coming back to @Northeastern multiple times as they change careers. #HigherEd sure has changed. #Learnlaunch2016 — Josef Blumenfeld (@JosefBlumenfeld) January 21, 2016 Here's to my first day at @HubSpot, my fifth co-op at #Northeastern This is what it means to #iheartcoop <3 — Carlos Eduardo (@carlosvivaldi) January 19, 2016 Get your feet wet working for a #Northeastern venture. 1/27 | 7-8:30 p.m | Curry Student Center @IDEANEU @EClubNEU — Northeastern D’Amore-McKim School of Business (@NU_Business) January 19, 2016 #MLKday Tribute at #Northeastern today was awesome. Filled with inspirational speeches and amazing performances. — Mallory Pernaa (@malmal113) January 19, 2016 2016 #Northeastern Holocaust Awareness Week starts Monday. Learn more about the program: — Northeastern CSSH (@NUCSSH) January 20, 2016 Can you think of a time you made a choice that changed your life? How about when you chose #Northeastern. — Northeastern Alumni (@AlumniNU) January 21, 2016