Tweets of the Week: Aug. 10 to Aug. 14 by Joe O'Connell August 14, 2015 Share Facebook LinkedIn Twitter National S’mores Day, the arrival of new residence hall mattresses, and faculty artwork are among our selections for tweets from the Northeastern community this week. #NationalSmoresDay, @Northeastern style. #northeastern #smores — NUAdmissions (@NUAdmissions) August 10, 2015 Matt Kiefer & Jane Amidon on #resiliency planning w/o @Boston2024 @Northeastern @goulstonstorrs — ULI Boston (@ULIBoston) August 10, 2015 It's so great to see students from different universities at #HackDay! Representing @Northeastern! #HPBigData2015 — HPE Developer Community (@HPE_Developer) August 10, 2015 A @Northeastern professor says the Google-Alphabet reorganization adds no brand value — Boston Business Journal (@BosBizJournal) August 12, 2015 Today's dose of cute: All the Husky puppies you could ever want in one @instagram account #huskies cc:@northeastern — Northeastern ITS (@NortheasternITS) August 12, 2015 A warm WELCOME BACK to former @Northeastern #coop and now full time HFA employee, Diana Mathangani!! @NU_CAMD — HFA (@harryfoxagency) August 12, 2015 CoffeeBar – organic, vegan, gluten free- the new go-to morning snack by @NewGroundsFood : @Northeastern students at #minfoodie9 @MassInno — Tina Adolfsson (@tinaadolfsson) August 12, 2015 I spy new mattresses being hauled into the @Northeastern dorms… #backtoschool — Jessica Reyes (@jessicamreyes) August 13, 2015 @Northeastern faculty members make their mark with spray paint, markers and stencils. #BostonCreates #BosArts — Up Truck (@TheUpTruck) August 13, 2015 Today's #TBT: A flashback to @Northeastern's first computer, an IBM 650, purchased in 1959 under President Knowles. — Northeastern ITS (@NortheasternITS) August 13, 2015 #Northeastern alum named to help #Boston cope with social, economic, and physical challenges! — Northeastern SJRC (@SJRCneu) August 10, 2015 Huskies in the workplace. At BBH, 19 #Northeastern co-op students were paired with 14 #AlumniNU… — Northeastern Alumni (@AlumniNU) August 11, 2015 Happy National Left-Handers Day to all of our south “paws” out there! #lefthandersday #northeastern — NUAdmissions (@NUAdmissions) August 13, 2015